Eye tracking reveals attention to advertising

One of the more effective means of measuring the levels of attention that consumers are placing on your print and online advertising, is to use eye tracking as a research tool. SPARK Media will this September be hosting Mike Follet from Lumen, an attention technology company based in London, to explore this evidence-based tactic.

“We are so privileged to be hosting Mike who will present to our Johannesburg audience on the 18th of September.  He will share the stage with EBI (Ehrenberg Bass Institute) senior marketing scientist Dr Virginia Beal.  We are excited to host two highly sought after presenters at one function,” says Gill Randall, Joint CEO of SPARK Media.

“Lumen works with publishers and advertisers to help them price and optimise the attention advertising receives. Eye tracking studies are revealing just how much advertising money spent is wasted against this measure, and we’re very excited to hear what Mike has to share with our clients and agency partners.”

Before starting Lumen, Mike worked at BMP DDB in London, Tribal DDB in New York and for the DDB group in Mumbai. He returned to the UK to work for Tesco’s advertising agency. Mike holds degrees from Oxford University and Imperial College, London.

 Regretfully this event is by invitation only.

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