Good governance is the top reputational attribute for telecommunications companies in South Africa Consumers want to see improved working conditions for government employees to reduce the frustration factor Banks should distinguish themselves more in terms of their customer service offering Reputational drivers and attributes vary markedly across key industries in South Africa, highlighting the crucial […]
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The transition from LSMs to SEMs explained
There has been a lot of talk in the industry regarding the relevance of LSMs (Living Standard Measure). Kantar TNS was approached by the industry to develop a new socio economic segmentation system to better reflect the South African landscape. Developed by Neil Higgs and his team at Kantar TNS, the new SEM (Socio-Economic Measure) […]
Continue readingMore TagMore people are on Facebook than watching TV, where is your audience?
In the absence of in-depth industry media and social media behaviour and psychographics, media agencies that are prepared to go the extra mile for their clients create bespoke research in order to understand consumer habits. Cape Town based media agency, Limelight Consulting, unpacks the latest social media behaviours in its “Media Usage Report“. The agency […]
Continue readingMore TagMedia Inflation Watch January to September 2016
Belinda Kayton, Media Strategist at The MediaShop highlights top findings from Media Inflation Watch (MIW) January to September 2016 Thanks to the amazing work done by Mike Leahy, we have the latest MIW figures! We’ve been waiting to see how these would be measured, because there has been a great deal of changes in the […]
Continue readingMore TagThe Establishment Survey is here!
With the recent launch of the Establishment Survey (ES), the Publisher Research Council (PRC) provides a brief overview. The Establishment Survey (ES) is a collaborative partnership between the Publisher Research Council (PRC), the Broadcast Research Council (BRC) and the Advertiser Media Forum (AMF) with the BRC and PRC being the funders and owners of the […]
Continue readingMore TagNew PAMS research aims to get closer to the truth
The first PAMS (Publisher Audience Measurement Survey) reading research is due for release in October 2017. Conducted by The Publisher Research Council (PRC), it will provide media owners, agencies and marketers with an accurate new reading currency in South Africa for the first time in 40 years. The PRC refer to their research as Reading […]
Continue readingMore TagThe Publisher Research Council (PRC) gears up for a busy year
The Publisher Research Council (PRC) was created to meet the needs of fast changing reading behaviour across both traditional and digital reading platforms and to provide an innovative “Gold Standard” Reader Audience Measurement founded on global and local best practice, expertise and resources. The PRC is a not for profit company that represents the interests […]
Continue readingMore TagThe new consumer currency is here
The new consumer currency is here, says Katharine Liese, Business Unit Manager at The MediaShop Consumer behaviour is changing – and fast! Gone are the days of consumers spending hours and weeks researching options. Decisions are being made in moments – micro-moments in fact. These micro-moments are intent-driven moments of decision making that shape preferences. […]
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