The MediaShop awarded Level 1 BEE

The MediaShop has reached another milestone in its journey and pioneering values by being the first and only media agency in the country to be awarded Level 1 BEE status.  “The MediaShop has always believed in uplifting both our staff and our country’s citizens and we’re absolutely thrilled that the work we’ve consistently put into […]

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Primedia Unlimited has moved

Primedia Unlimited, South Africa’s leading provider of out of home and ambient media solutions has moved offices.  The company’s new address is 151 5th Avenue, Sandown. The reception team can be contacted on T: 010 306 5100 or for general queries. “We’re delighted to be in a new space – it’s given us an opportunity […]

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The new consumer currency is here

The new consumer currency is here, says Katharine Liese, Business Unit Manager at The MediaShop Consumer behaviour is changing – and fast! Gone are the days of consumers spending hours and weeks researching options. Decisions are being made in moments – micro-moments in fact. These micro-moments are intent-driven moments of decision making that shape preferences. […]

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