SA’s Protection of Personal Information Act has a bigger, foreign brother you must meet

Many South African businesses have now heard of the Protection of Personal Information Act (or POPI), and some have even spent time and money implementing their policies to prepare for their new responsibilities in terms of it. Businesses have realized that compliance with this new local data protection regime brings not only a good reputation […]

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The commercial industry: built on the backs of production companies

By Bobby Amm, Executive Officer, the Commercial Producers Association  You don’t hire a dentist to do brain surgery. You hire a qualified, accomplished, and trustworthy neurosurgeon who can carry out meticulous craniotomies while brushing their teeth. Sourcing a production house for your commercial shouldn’t be any different. Because even though an advertising agency’s in-house production company (IHPC) […]

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Sprout Wins Google Bonanza

Sprout Performance Media Partners is celebrating after it recently won the Google Bonanza for its efforts in increasing its ad extension adoption rates. Extensions expand digital ads with additional information, which usually increases an ad’s click-through-rate substantially, because the ad will then attract greater visibility and prominence on the search results page. Extension formats include like call buttons, location information, […]

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