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To compare or not to compare

Belinda Kayton, Media Strategist at The MediaShop says that comparative advertising isn’t rude, it could be brilliant! The ad wasn’t rude, obnoxious or over-the-top. It was actually really quite useful, asking: “Vehicle A has such n such brakes, Vehicle B does not – would you put your family at risk?” I sat up and took […]

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Don’t talk to me, talk to my Chatbot

We’ve all heard about chatbots, says Belinda Kayton, Media Strategist at The MediaShop. Some of us might even have interacted with one without knowing it! But what are they all about and what is the potential of this Artificial Intelligence for brands? Basically, chatbots function within messaging apps(enabling businesses to provide customer support 24/7, answer customer queries or […]

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